The Noble House Of Baskerville
Welcome to Vivian Baskerville Productions!
Baroness Karen Jean Tanner of the House of Anjou, the 24th Great Granddaughter of the Merovingian King Fulk V of Anjou, King Louis VII, King Edward I, Lord William d' Aubigny, Lord of Belvior, Magna Carta Knights Templars Noble Successor.
She is the author of many movie scripts, books, advocacy websites and groups, advocating for human rights, politics and other important world issues.
Within these websites are "WebRings" that link together with other members whom are involved in world affairs to change our Planet.
You'll be fascinated with these WebRings, there are topics for everyone!
"Geneaology-Charities- Resources-Conspiracies-Ghost Stories-Books-Antiques"
Join our forums and blogs as a member and become involved in making our world a beautiful place!
We want to hear your stories, share our views and make a difference!
Thank you for visiting our website!
The Baroness-