This Chart was an excerpt from the 1908 book, "Additional Information of Baskerville", Author, "Patrick Hamilton Baskervill" .
While he refers to Ida Baskerville Tanner as his "Lady Correspondent", he mentions her only as, "Mrs. J. G. Tanner" instead of informing the reader that Ida was a Baskerville from the Jefferson lineage. This was a very suspicious clue for my research as to whom was changing information, names and dates in records.
Ida Baskerville Tanner is noted in many publications as correcting writers, universities, libraries and records concerning her Noble Family lineages. They seemed to be deliberately being very vague about the corrections.
Ida's Books, "The Paternal Origins Of President Thomas Jefferson" and "The Paternal origins Of Thomas Jefferson" was said to have been in the United States Library Of Congress", instead we find it at the Thomas Jefferson Monticello of which was extremely exciting. It also appears in the archives of the University of Virginia.
I can only speculate that Ida may have written two transcripts perhaps of the President Thomas Jefferson, her Cousin, and then Thomas Jefferson, President Jefferson's Grandfather, whom was also Ida's Great Grandfather.
The very peculiar part of this publication by Patrick Hamilton Baskerville is that if Ida (his Lady Correspondent) had provided the correct information, why is this chart published with incorrect information with "S.S. Key" as Reverend William Henry Seate's spouse, he corrected the information and states it as so in the text. These are the severe discrepancies that I have uncovered throughout my research.
The most extreme case of deliberate disinformation is that of Author, Isabel Blandin in the 1908 book, "The History Of The Shearn Church" concerning the pages on page 58 about Reverend Seate. Ida , again, correcting information, providing documents, legends, and even a beautiful charcoal of her Father, the Reverend Seate. Blandin seems to reluctantly include the wonderul stories of the Reverend provided by Ida, yet Blandin then accuses the Reverend of being negligent with his donations. Ida must have been furious when that book was published depicting her Father as a negligent, feeble-minded Reverend.
The facts that Blandin was the CEO of the Shearn Women's Auxiliary strongly indicates motives of covering up the thefts of Reverend's fortune.
Blandin's book was a total disinformation publication and cover up of extortion and thefts, a hundred years later, the beautiful aspect of this is the book's availability to expose the corruption of Judge Charles Shearn, and the Galveston Moody Family.