Colonial America was mostly composed of Royal immigrants primarily from England that were escaping the English Monarchy, taxes and the wrath of Oliver Cromwell and his war-mongering accomplices that were attempting to dissolve the British Monarchy.
Many members of Colonial America groups such as "DAR", Daughters of The American Revolution don't realize that many of us are from these royal lineages of the first immigrants of the thirteen colonies that had abandoned their castles, moats and estates to escape the Cromwellian era, saving their lives by fleeing to America. We still have rights to these estates, wills, land and titles that were left behind by our brave ancestors.
"Deliberate Clerical Errors"
Throughout years of research into these lineages, it is quite apparent that many clerks registering and adding information into this line were deliberately hiding information by not adding all of the information, changing names and dates by adding unnecessary dashes, hyphens and other means of tampering with the information.
Ida Baskerville Tanner attempted to correct these clerical errors many times, in various ways. In 1915 it is documented that she wrote to many state and federal agencies about these errors. It is my opinion it was to hide estates, wills, land and heirlooms of the lineages.
This is an example of such clerical activities that is documented for over a hundred years of these errors.
This is from the Encyclopedia of Virginia, the "Virginia Cousins".
You can see where "Frances Knight Baskerville" is logged as "Fran-ces" without her entire name, and that she married "a Mr. Seat" this leaves a very vague and incomplete history of the lineages, making it difficult to decipher.
** Martha' Jefferson married Bennet Goode and her descendants are here traced through the Baskerville, Pringle, Emett and Ed- wards families.
Richard' and Martha (Goode) Basker- ville had issue: i. Alice Goode", born in Cumberland county, August 23, 1792, died June 30, 1872; married William Pringle, of whoin further. 2. Thomas', died unmar- ried. 3. ;\lajor John Barber, settled in Car-roll county, near Hillsville, where he owned a large tract of land, including Grayson Sulphur Springs. He died unmarried. 4. A daughter, married a Mr. Steele. 5. Fran- ces, married a Mr. Seat.
As an example, I would say this is quite a huge clerical error. This is a major lineage of Colonial America linking to the President Thomas Jefferson line via Richard & Martha Goode Baskerville and their daughter, Frances Knight Baskerville.
** Reverend William Henry Seat's Mother is Frances Knight Baskerville, it is written in 1908 in the "History Of The Shearn Church" with info provided by Ida Baskerville Seat, yet this lineage seems to branch out in another direction.
This seems to be where the hidden information begins.
Genealogy Records Of Richard de Baskerville
The honorable "Reverend William Henry Seat"
English Spies, Heists and the Royal daggers had a long arm of Cromwellian crooks that stalked the lineages of those who escaped England to Colonial America.
One line of such victims were the descendants of the "Royal House Of Baskervylles" from Goostrey, Cheshire, England that had merged into the President Thomas Jefferson line in Virginia, Colonial America.
"Galveston, Texas Church & Political Corruption History"
My G, G, Grandfather, "Reverend William Henry Seat", the Son of Frances Knight Baskerville was the Minister of the Houston Methodist Church in 1861, and was probably a victim of political & religious looting.
The church was said to have been destroyed by a non-existent storm, the English born Judge Shearn took it over, rebuilt it and named it after himself. There was much to be said about political looting, plagiarism and religious thefts in those early days that even Edgar Allan Poe fell victim to.
As the 1908 book, "The History of the Shearn Church" speaks highly of My Grandfather, of his work and of his credibility as a Minister, yet it completely distorts what actually became of his fortune. The author claims that the priceless heirlooms and donations were all left on a wharf in Galveston, a complete and ridiculous lie to perhaps cover up the thefts. This of course has me suspicious of the author as well being involved.
My Great Grandmother, Ida Baskerville Tanner, Author of "The Paternal Origins of President Jefferson", 1900, had donated her charcoal portrait of her Father, Reverend Seat (shown here) for the author's book, "The History of the Shearn Church", 1908.
The chapter of Reverend Seat is quite alarming since it distorted the information provided by my Great Grandmother, Ida Baskerville Tanner. The loss of the priceless heirlooms has the Family raising eyebrows at the Judge Charles Shearn Family due to the suspicion of the Church being deliberately damaged for their arrogant take over.
Consequently, Shearn had also lived in Goliad, Texas during the time of the Battle of San Jacinto. Reverend Seat had purchased thousands of acreage in Goliad.
Throughout those years of Ida Baskerville Tanner and her efforts to write and provide historical documents there are many records of her correcting authors, state and federal agencies, correcting libraries, universities and other companies for their seemingly deliberate incorrect spelling errors, wrong names and dates that apparently were schemes to hide wills, estates and ownership from heirs of our Family lineage.
These clerical errors date back to the Jefferson, Goode and Francis Knight Baskerville lines and is quite apparent in the book, "The History of the Shearn Church" to deliberately tarnish the image of my Great Grandfather, Reverend Seat.
That charcoal portrait and information of Reverend Seat being donated by Ida is further proof that the author was publicly spreading propaganda in the book, honoring Judge Shearn as the founder of the church while claiming negligence of Reverend Seat.
Interestingly, the Shearn Church began proceedings to sell in 1907, then Author Isabel creates the book, "History Of The Shearn Church" in 1908, this is the year the land was sold. The proceeding year, 1909, My Great, Great Grandfather, Reverend James Gilbert Tanner passed in Lynchburgh, many episodes of odd coincidences.
The true mysteries here, are that the billionaire Moody Family married into the Judge Charles Shearn Family, in 1920, Moody purchased the "Alfred Belo Corporation" that had paid my Grandfather's pension (Frank Baskerville Tanner) the son of Ida Baskerville Tanner.
Frank Baskerville Tanner worked for the Galveston founded Dallas Morning News and Ted Dealey for 50 Years. These heists were trickling down the lineages for generations.
In the early 1960s FB Tanner's Oil Royalties disappeared. Considering that "A. H. Belo Corporation" owned his pension, and that the Moody Oil Tycoons owned The Belo Corporation, I'm quite intrigued with this connection and want to know where my inheritance is. This Humble oil heist has been a Family mystery for generations.
Karen Jean Tanner, Author and descendant of "The Royal House Of Baskerville" Thomas Jefferson, Bennett Goode, Frances Knight Baskerville , Reverend William Seat, James Gilbert Tanner, Frank Baskerville Tanner lineages.
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